VBS Registration for 2024 has closed.

If you have any questions or have a couple kids that you’re looking to register still, please send an email to Zulema Bywater at; zulema@calvaryiwakuni.com

We are so excited to be launching our Vacation Bible School this summer from August 5th-9th! VBS will be held at the church from 9 am to 11:30 am each morning. Please fill out the form below to register your student.

-VBS is for children age 5 (as of August 2024) through 5th grade (completed). Childcare for children 2-4 years old will be provided for volunteers only. If you are volunteering and will need childcare please let us know.

-Sign in for VBS will begin at 8:45 am each morning, and we will begin VBS promptly at 9 am, so be sure to arrive with enough time to get your child(ren) signed in to join in the fun!